Friday, February 5, 2010

What evidence is there that Adam and Eve gained a true sence of knowledge 'good and bad' after eating fruit?

This story is strange because their very first judgement they make of ';good and bad'; is that their naked bodies are ';disgusting';. Not shameful because showed no shame for actions. Also God made them naked and not a problem to anyone prior to this fruit picking incident. Knowledge of good and bad is impaired after eating fruit so what evidence that knowledge gained?What evidence is there that Adam and Eve gained a true sence of knowledge 'good and bad' after eating fruit?
The tree was, in effect, symbolic of the boundary—the line of demarcation—or the limit of man’s proper domain. It was right and proper, yes, essential, that God inform Adam of that boundary. For a perfect man to eat of that tree would require the deliberate assent of his will. It would indicate the determination made beforehand that he would withdraw himself from subjection to God’s rulership, to go out on his own, doing what was “good” or “bad” according to his own decisions.What evidence is there that Adam and Eve gained a true sence of knowledge 'good and bad' after eating fruit?
This says nothing about ';disgusting'; now does it?

Gen 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they [were] naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

They were actually afraid because their nakedness meant that they had lost their innocence out of disobedience to God.

Gen 3:10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I [was] naked; and I hid myself.

Just look at all the sexual sin today that occurred as a result of their nakedness.
In the bible, to ';know'; someone or something is to become intimate with it, and make it a part of you, and you a part of it.

Adam and Eve ';knew'; God and they knew good, because they were made in God's image and likeness, and they walked with him, in the garden of eden.

Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve became intimately familiar with evil ... which consists primarily of satan, sin, and death ... and they made evil a part of them ... and they, along with the whole world, were fundamentally and permanently changed by the experience.

All of human history is evidence of this fact.
There is more than adequate evidence (genetics, for one thing) that the tale is fiction. Humankind has been around for a lot longer than would be possible if the tale were true.
As the account went, Jehovah gave Adam an order not to eat from that one tree along with the consequences for disobeying a direct order. By eating from the forbidden tree, Adam disobeyed God, stole something (the fruit) that did not belong to him, and he decided for himself what was right and wrong, instead of leaving it up to his loving Creator. Extreme guilt made Adam and Eve ashamed they were naked. God was not to blame for their actions.
and what colour was the fruit ... really important eh?

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