Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Give an example of true belief that does not constitute knowledge. ?

Explain why it is not knowledge.Give an example of true belief that does not constitute knowledge. ?
religion reason because no one acuallys nos if it happened they just belief it did it part of there belief systeam but there no proof it did excised....Give an example of true belief that does not constitute knowledge. ?
Basically anything or anyone that existed before you by a 100 years or more, in other words History, is a true belief but does not constitute knowledge. It is something that is there but cannot be proved as no evidence besides human accounts exist of it which in my opinion are very doubtful and humans are prone to add personal perspective in all that they indulge in, thus why spare historical accounts and chronicles?
Belief begins with knowledge. Knowledge of the givens around you. To understand how things came about and what makes them going and where are they headed for. Then you are either convinced by this logic and belief is formed, or you are in denial of it and skepticism and disbelief takes over. But once you believe a whole new world of knowledge starts to form based on your belief and it starts to grow with your belief.
A belief in aliens because we know absolutely nothing about them. We can learn stuff from Roswell and read about abductions and other sightings and all of that stuff is knowledge but I don't see that as truth. My belief in aliens comes from something entirely different. Component A is that intelligent life does exist (us) and component B is the size of universe (huge). We have no knowledge of them but they have to exist. Truth based on probability not evidence.
Every belief has been struck down by a philosopher with a logical explanation.

So in truth the only belief that does not constitute knowledge is a belief that someone has not yet found a logical answer for. -Sasha Yurvchenko (Survivor of Chernobyl, former chernobyl worker.)
I believe that you are a complete a**hole, but I don't know you, so I can't know it for sure, therefore it is not knowledge.
I exist.

Because knowledge is something that you acquire from absorption of the outer, and existence is inner.
Explain what TRUE means.

u dont have to be smart to believe

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