Friday, February 12, 2010

What is the true sign of intelligence ? Is it knowledge or imagination ?

It is recognition. Recognition of that which is beyond one's own comprehension. This is what leads to wisdom. The ultimate sign of intelligence is to actually love this condition.

That is the love of wisdom, that is the discovery of philosophy.What is the true sign of intelligence ? Is it knowledge or imagination ?
Definitely imagination because it shows that you can successfully use, apply and interpret knowledge to create something new. Having knowledge by itself doesn't show much intelligence. A computer has knowledge but it cant do anything with it unless you program it to use it a certain way. Or for example there are humans out there that are savants, they have vast amounts of knowledge and can even memorize large sequences of numbers or data but they do not understand what it is! they just know what it is.What is the true sign of intelligence ? Is it knowledge or imagination ?
Knowledge is important. Without knowledge if you imagine you can't benefit anything from your imagination.On other hand if you imagine you will work for it and gain knowledge and succeed.

It depends on person to person.True intelligence is application of knowledge. There is no use if you imagine or have knowledge you should implement your knowledge.
Imagination is essential in true intelligence. Kabbalists point out that knowledge is a personal thing (Daath), whereas wisdom and understanding are universal (transpersonal / transcendent / supernal). The two psychic faculties, Imagination and Will, are essential for creating change internally (self growth / personal development) and the result could be considered a reflection of intelligence.
it is neither, imagination is not intelligence for the obvious reason that create people can be of average intelect while intellectual people might lact imagination. and it is not Knowledge because one may devote their life to studying while someone else might devote theirs to partying but they could still be born with greater intelligence. in my view intelligence isn't what you know, it's how well your brain proccesses information, it's sort of like IQ except IQ is the very inaccurate measurement used by us humans to measure intelligence.

See there is nothing called intelligence...

If one has learnt everythig perfectly since childhood,his knowledge is good....but if he doesnt know to apply that knowledge during a process( ie. if he cannot imagine how to use it) its a waste...

A person who has knowledge and has creativity / imagination to use it in a problem is said to be intelligent....

But intelligence is different from smartness and wit......
Chronic laziness! Intelligent people aren't lazy in the sense that they do nothing or very little for the sake of bodily comfort. They just tend not to do more than the absolute minimum necessary to achieve a certain objective. They're highly capable optimizers.

On the other hand, they use more brain power than the average individual. A truly intelligent person's brain has more internal connections. The patterns of going from A to B to C in their thinking are more diverse. Their thinking changes course more often, making its way through more devious paths. It is in this sense that they are more resourceful than others and not necessarily through being highly knowledgeable or having a fertile imagination.
Ture sign of intelligence. Well I know a lot of people who don't know much but have quite the imaginations. My own experience with this I would say you can have all the book smarts but be completely stupid when it comes to common sense issues. Then there is street smarts. I sometimes think street smarts gets you farther coupled in with great common sense and an ability to have a imagination. I guess both knowledge and imagination. I also, believe people do get wiser as they age and more beautiful, too.
Vernon Howard's



'I am now aware that intelligence does not consist of a mere

collection of facts, but exactly what is real intelligence?'

'It is a freely flowing whole mind. Our task is to remove the need-

less barriers to this natural flow. Any negative thought is a barrier,

including antagonism, jealousy, self-glorification. An intelligent

mind flows freely and quietly, like a mountain brook.'';

There is a Way Out, p. 113
In the first place it's knowledge but not material knowledge. Higher knowledge, knowledge about the Absolute Truth, that's a true sign of intelligence.

It's also said that 'doubts' are a sign of intelligence.
Intelligence is the eagerness, and ability, to learn quickly and gather the information about life, and non-life. It is the ability to understand.
The true sign of intelligence is what you do with the knowledge you posses, imagination is what you think other people will with their knowledge.
Good imagination...Hard work...Good planning...Strong determination...Will power...These five are signs of intelligence
true intelligence comes from wisdom not what is written in a book or what could be. knowledge and wisdom come from experience
Knowledge is knowing things. Wisdom is knowing where to use that knowledge..

How about Imaginative knowledge for your question..?
Intelligence is knowing we do not have an answer but that one does exist and to seek for it using man's present knowledge and imagination.
Knowledge is nothing if you can't put it in practice. And to put it in practice you need imagination.

And the way of mastering and manipulating it...

It is knowledge along with imagination combined creativity.
That would depend on how one defines ';intelligence.';
It is always in finger tips.
It's both and then some.
How about all of the above?

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