Friday, February 12, 2010

Is it true that Adam got the knowledge by eating the restricted fruit?

Earlier(before they change this) because Adam has eaten the fruit, christianity has made knowledge to be 'illegal' to the human kind?I read somewhere...Is it true that Adam got the knowledge by eating the restricted fruit?
Christianity claims that knowledge is available, and that knowledge is good. Christian doctrine does not make the acquisition of knowledge illegal, or place a restriction on knowledge.Is it true that Adam got the knowledge by eating the restricted fruit?
Well obviously God did not want us to be enlightened, else he wouldn't of had a cow when they ate from the apples. But Satan convinced them to eat from it. So I guess we can credit Satan for our enlightenment.

Personally I like being enlightened. So I guess... thanks Satan?
God told Adam if he ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that he would surely die. That is Adams punishment death since we are all children of Adam we must also receive his punishment.
Knowledge wasn't the problem. It was the knowledge of good AND EVIL that was the problem.

Before the fall Adam had no idea what evil was, how it worked, or how powerful it was.

God tells us to love Him with all our minds.(Deut 6)

If we aren't using our entire minds to worship Him, we are not worshipping Him as we're supposed to. I find the more I use my mind the more my faith grows.

God is good!
Adam and Eve received the knowledge of good and evil and died spiritually and physically as the Lord had warned them. Sin was passed down to the human race through Adam but Christ the only begotten son of God, bore those sins in his body and physically rose from the grave and freely gives us eternal life by simply believing in him.
Yesss, after I talked Eve into eating the fruit, sssshe talked Adam into it.

I only wanted the bessst for them. Honessst.
No. The fruit in the garden was not the fruit you or I would pick from a tree. It is, in the literal sense the seduction of Eve by Lucifer, Satan that serpent the Devil. It's plainly spelled out in the original text. Get a Strong's Concordance and learn how to use it, before you try to make sense out of a translation in a language you're not versed in. God bless.
no knowlege isnt illegal or anything, but too much knowledge isnt good for you, because it made them think they were Gods.

read the first chapter of Genesis
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