Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Unlike Bush and McCain, does Obama display a true knowledge of cultural nuances that speak volumes in the M.E.?

- Middle East -

I find it unfortunate that people whoi would not understand culture if it kissed them think that whatever the Western natyions think is right, is right.

Rather than sending more soldiers to kill and/or die, itsn't it worth doing a little research into the culture of one's adversary if it spares the life of ONE US soldier?Unlike Bush and McCain, does Obama display a true knowledge of cultural nuances that speak volumes in the M.E.?
So how do you explain Obama's escalation of Afghanistan? True knowledge? You're losing it. Go put some more ';nuance'; in your bong.Unlike Bush and McCain, does Obama display a true knowledge of cultural nuances that speak volumes in the M.E.?
Don't talk about Obama! Most people don't know this, but talking about Obama is dangerous. Please don't be frightened, but once you mention Obama's name, it liquidifies every important organ in your body (the heart, stomach, lungs, etc.) and it turns you into a very dangerous monster, called Moisesellas ariasus. Moisesellas ariasus are huge, furry, smelly, strong, and impossible to defeat. They also resemble gremlins. They kill every human they see. Moisesellas ariasus live up to 2 years, but they can live forever. In order to stay alive forever, they must eat over 1,000 humans. Talking about obama will just produce more moisesellas ariasus, which means the world will end before we know it. Do everyone a favor and don't talk about him!
I'm with you in theory, Chi Guy, but human nature is not led by ';theories,'; especially when the parties we're talking about are so irrational. It sucks, but it's true. When the culture we would not understand if it kissed us QUITS FVCKING KILLING innocent people with poorly-aimed bullets just flying randomly in crowded markets, then we'll think along your lines.

Read much British news lately?.... Obama Got a precious trinket from a British slave busting ship... and Obama returned the favor with 25 DVDs that won't even play on U.K. DVD players...Hell...Their culture is more like ours than most...except MAYBE english speaking Canada...and he's already turning their LIBERAL media off. Ain't looking very culturally savvy.

He has already alienated another powerful ally...Israel.....and he did this inside of 50 days.... I seem to remember you were never to kind to Bush...
He also knows etiquette with allies, how to make handicapped people feel good about themselves and how to campaign after he has won. Oh yeah, after years of community activism, he knows how to run an economy, quadruple up on bad policy and drive us into the ground by embracing collectivism.

Hyper-inflation here we come....Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Just stay in your happy place. It will be much more comfortable.
Agree...and please do not judge this country by the dictator that left DC in January...the majority of the people did NOT vote for Bush. Both elections were tainted and bogus. People were expunged from the voters registration that should not have been. And we had the electronic voting machines that were programmed for Bush..more votes for Bush than people voting...that happened a lot.
Sorry, Chi Guy,

Asking about the Middle East and cultural nuance in this forum isn't likely to yield many critical evaluations. I agree with your point, but this is an unlikely place for serious discussions.
I have not noticed any ';true Knowledge'; as of yet. And if the culture of an adversary tells him that killing Americans gets him into heaven no amount of understanding will stop him.
I bet Obama even read BOOKS about Muslims and Middle Eastern problems..... You can damned bet Bush never read one!
Good idea!!! Why don't you go try some cultural sensitivity training with the Taliban and let us know how that goes.
Um, like the 17,000 cultural diplomats Obama is sending to Afghanistan?
LOL - As long as the Bamtard can spell better than you, there's some hope.

Then again, he is the worst president ever......
Nothing gets a conservative vote like rolling a tank in some else's back yard.
definitely, because he has a better rounded background and is a hell of a lot smarter.
Our culture is superior to their primitive one. Period.
butterflies and rainbows....
He should he's a brother in their fold.
Chi Guy,I finally figured you out,your in love as much as Keith Olberman.Tingly feelings and all!
are you freaking kidding? remove head from *** and try again
yeah thats why iran is laughing at him following that stupid video.....
I think Obama has a very high IQ, and he has a very high cultural IQ and is a Man of The World who understands many cultures around the world. In fact I was watching on the news that even Iran's leadership is AFRAID of Obama because Obama as a person is so well liked that it makes Liberal Democracy seem like such a good thing that many countries will want to overthrow their Tyrant leaders and elect their own Obama. Bush, McCain, and especially Palin are Cultural MIDGETS.

They're culturally retarded to put it bluntly. That's why Obama is the MOST LOVED PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY around the world.

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