Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true that, true knowledge means knowing we'll never really know?

I never really knew whether I knew what I know, or whether I really don't know that which I thought I knew. What do you think?Is it true that, true knowledge means knowing we'll never really know?
All we can know is beingness, but the universe is both beingness and nonbeingness. Truth is a divine honey wine that nourishes Adapa, Meschew Abu Gilgal and any hero who has exceeded their basic matrix of genetics.Is it true that, true knowledge means knowing we'll never really know?
I believe so. Think about all the wars that have been fought because of differing opinions. A Christian believes beyond any doubt that Jesus Christ is the way to heaven and everyone else is wrong. Muslims believe that Mohammad (sp?) is the prophet and that other people are infidels. Both sides have equal conviction. It's preposterous to think that anyone knows anything at all.
It is only the beginning of true knowledge that the mind can not know anything. The method of the mind is to cut the whole into pieces and study each piece separately, so it can never know the whole.
yeah your right. true knowledge is knowing that we'll never know. You might think you know something but you'll never know if what you knew was right.

There's nothing to indicate that we can't eventually know all that there is to know.
True knowledge is knowing nothing .
Yes, I think you are so right!

And in not caring that we don't know! Life's too short!
truth is subjective, a function of the human mind, not of things
We know or should try and believe God, that he is not a man to lie

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