Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true that Computer Engineers have to keep updating their knowledge more often than Electrical Engineers?

Computer hardware is changing a lot faster, and the field is

a lot younger then say 'power transmission.

The basic standards and capabilities are changing for computers

where in most other parts of electrical engineering, things have

been developed pretty much up to their limits.

The hardware does improve, but not at the same pace.Is it true that Computer Engineers have to keep updating their knowledge more often than Electrical Engineers?
Once a year. If I only learned new stuff annually, I would have been out of a job years ago. I learn new stuff each and every day. I started in electronics in the 60s with my basic education on vacuum tubes. I now design state of the art digital signal processors for professional audio systems. I also design state of the part PWM audio power amplifiers in th kilowatt range. I design the multilayer PCBs with surface mount components, I build prototypes and get them to work. I use technologies that were not even science fiction 10 years ago. For example, I use FIR filters to steer beams of sound with DSPs to make sound systems for churches and transportation depots that are free of echo.

I am 57 now and my acquisition of knowledge seems to be growing exponentially. Because I know more, I can learn more. Today alone I came up with a technique for cramming in broader ground pours on high density printed circuits and I learned how EGR valves work as one of my cars failed smog today. I will fix it in a day or so.

Is it true that Computer Engineers have to keep updating their knowledge more often than Electrical Engineers?
I know they have to update their knowledge at least once every year. But I would say that Electrical Engineers update it far more.
yes. electricity is pretty much a constant. the evolution of computers is not a constant.-blurey

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